Why is it important to love and be loved?
id: 10047622

Scientists predict: if we carry out the prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, you can live at least 15 years longer. Doctors advise for this to eat right, be less nervous and not forget about sports. But besides this, in order to be healthy and live as long as possible, it is very important to love and be loved, and love is not difficult! A loving and mutually loved person is less prone to stress, depression, loneliness and other experiences that shorten life. This means that he lives longer.

Israeli scientists cited the following fact - men who are loved by their wives are 50% less likely to get sore throat and cardiovascular diseases than their peers who are not loved by their wives. And the connection here is, of course, two-way. On the one hand, when a wife loves, she takes care of her beloved, monitors his well-being, health, and mood. But, on the other hand, it is difficult to love a deep drunkard, grumpy, greedy, angry and cruel person. And, as you know, character, just like love, affects the quality and duration of life. A kind person, in comparison with an evil person, is much less nervous. A sober person, in relation to a drunk, has more chances not to suffer in an accident and to maintain health. Therefore, to be loved means to be, by and large, a good person.

Loving people always support each other, care, help. And they do all this unselfishly, expecting nothing in return. And yet a person who loves, will not betray, deceive and will not leave in trouble. Therefore, it is so important to know that no matter what happens, there are people on earth who will try to understand and help - beloved people. But without this confidence and support, our body experiences overload, comparable to the existence in conditions of high blood cholesterol and blood pressure. This conclusion was made by the National Health Association of Australia. And it turns out, in order to protect yourself from the destructive effects of cholesterol, it is important not only to eat right, but also to love and be loved.

It is difficult to love others if you do not know how to love yourself. Therefore, the one who thinks something like this - "I am old and no one will ever love me, but I will love wholeheartedly" - in fact, cannot truly love. Only by accepting himself with all his merits and demerits can a person love and be loved. Otherwise, he will suspect, jealous, offended, lie, demand, pry, scandal, be capricious, accuse, that is, create conditions that bring only experiences, not joy. Moreover, you can experience such painful love not only for your husband, but also for your children (and constantly blame them for lack of attention), and for your friends (envious of their achievements), and for your hobbies (terribly worried if something starts to fail). So, in love, you always need to start with yourself, gradually filling the whole world with love.
