A few words that will describe me today ...
id: 10046478

Here are some random facts about me:
*** I love and have been drinking black coffee since I was 12, when my dad gave me a tart drink for the first time ... I loved my father and I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. Unfortunately, he worked a lot and I could not devote much time to me ... Coffee became a joint ritual ... We prepared it together, drank it with cookies, dipping it into coffee. Mom did not understand at all how you can soak cookies in coffee? But dad and I loved it! Since then, the love for coffee has become stronger: I began to understand coffee, plunged headlong into the coffee sphere and tried myself in the role of a barista. Clients loved me - after all, my dad taught me that coffee is a pleasant sincere communication) What do you think?
*** I can be overly demanding, emotional and irritable - in order to join the usual calm channel, I need to spend a couple of hours alone with myself, collect my thoughts and do what I love. And I love to draw, write and dance ... mmm
*** The film, book and song that most accurately reflect my inner world: “HER” spike jones (2013), “Terribly loud, incredibly close” by jonathan safran foer and “Let it burn” by red.
*** Currents that are close at the moment in life: Scandinavian minimalism, conscious consumption and sustainable fashion, slow-life with the ability not to rush anywhere, enjoy the moment and do exactly as many things in a day as my inner resource allows.
**** The animal with which I associate myself is the otter. Affectionate, playful, sociable and cunning.

Three words that will describe me today: gratitude, warmth, love.
What words / facts will describe you today?
