Here you are on the street and start pouring crumbs - pigeons will fly. Many! They will eat the crumbs and fly away. And they won't say thank you. Oh, okay.
But there will be no eagles or flamingos among them; these are other birds. They get their own food. They are beautiful - but doves flock to the crumbs. And if you are on the street and start distributing money, things will line up too. A lot of people want to get something. But successful, self-sufficient, self-respecting people will pass by. They will not push in the dump - they get their own food. And they have a sense of their own worth. This is the tragedy of a kind person who distributes everything and helps everyone. In the end, he is left alone.
And no one will thank him. Because pigeons will bury to help him, not eagles or flamingos. And he's surrounded by losers and consumers who aren't used to saying thank you. They just swear, push and complain that this is not enough! Good must be done selectively, consciously, and not distributed to everyone in a row. And then go sad and disappointed: they say, people are ungrateful!
And the birds shit on their heads, sorry. We ourselves lured such people and pigeons, and the good ones passed or flew by. Those who do not ask for anything and do not shove their elbows or wings, but simply live or live on their own. Good does not always attract those we need, this is how life works ...
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