A smile gives joy to our hearts as well.
id: 10041048

Smile, as you sometimes smile, just like that, to your reflection in the mirror ... And how much cleaner and happier your soul will be if you smile with your heart.
A smile from the heart ... It glows in the eyes, in every movement and even in every wrinkle. Such a smile helps to lightly meet all difficulties.
A smile is not a grimace of a face, not a grin of a skull, it is a ray of light from a heart.
Both plants and animals rejoice in such a smile. Try it, do this experiment. Even indoor flowers droop at the gloomy expression on our face and raise their heads at our smile.
It is good to meet any obstacle in life with a smile.
And the more difficult the obstacle, the more difficult it is for us, the more joyful the smile should be.
And when it is very difficult and difficult, a smile will be a victory.
