Cleaning should go in stages.
You need to collect in one place (on the bed or on the floor, as you wish) ALL your clothes, then take each thing in your hands and feel "is your heart beating" from this thing, whether it brings you joy! If not, then postpone it. And so with every thing. Those clothes that we have not put on for years, they just "sleep", they are actually dead, there is no energy in them. No need to think: "Well, someday I will wear it"! "Someday" will NEVER come. And you know that very well! Therefore, feel free to throw it away! You yourself will be surprised how your life will change after cleaning! We leave only those things that we really like! Every thing thrown away must be thanked and ... released. I know this sounds silly, but try it! The past is past, now is the present, and ahead is a bright future! Stop clinging to the past and fearing the future!
Yes, having sorted things in this way, you will no longer, headlong, take revenge on everything on sale, because you will understand what you really need.
The remaining things must be packed in a special way, you will see how in the film!
To say that the wardrobe is changing is to say nothing! New storage method frees up half of the space!
Go through all your socks and tights and fold them right!
Throw away everything that has been standing for a long time and is only gathering dust, you simply do not need them! It's a shame to throw books away, I know! I take them to the library! Or I put them on a wide window sill at the entrance, someone always takes them! There is even a name for this one, I forgot which one) Crossbooking, or what?
Next, disassemble everything in the same way! Cosmetics, towels, linen! I'm sure you have no idea what kind of order you can have in your house!
And it's not about pedantry, it's about your goal. And the goal - no, no, not order, not at all! Our goal is happiness! And if you are surrounded only by your favorite things, then you yourself will not notice how unnecessary thoughts that cause you troubles and suffering people will leave, you will no longer eat whatever, but it all starts with CLEANING !!! Elementary cleaning!
So get started !!!
You can watch the movie just by typing in the search engine "Life is the exciting magic of cleaning. Watch it!"
When you look, be sure to write to me - share your impressions!
PS: Think, KonMari very rightly said that from childhood we are told: not the glove! Clean up! Don't be sloppy! But no one really teaches us how to get out! For many of us, it's just dusting and cleaning the floor, and everything is much deeper!
WONDERS to you!
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