?what is happiness??
id: 10046992

Each person has their own answer to this question. Absolute happiness for some is a quiet family life, others are looking for their happiness in creativity, hobbies, work. The opportunity to realize their abilities is what is happiness for many.

Happiness is a magical feeling that arises in a person who at this moment is overwhelmed with a sense of joy and sincere delight, he seems to glow from within. In a state of happiness, a person thinks positively, he does not accumulate negativity around him, does not feel it.

What gives us the feeling of this very happiness? Many people think that happiness lies in material well-being. People strive to earn more, to accumulate a certain amount of money, to reach the career stage they need. And what is their disappointment when, after achieving all their goals, they did not feel a sense of happiness. After all, happiness is not material, it cannot be held in your hands. This is a feeling that originates deep in the heart.

Some people can be absolutely happy living together in a one-room rented apartment, even if they have low salaries. But some more affluent people can be deeply unhappy lying on the beach of a luxury hotel. Even unhappy people who do not understand each other and constantly swear can live in mansions. What kind of feeling of happiness can we talk about in this case.

People often do not know themselves what they need for happiness. They earn huge capital, hoping that after reaching a certain point they will become happy with their condition, but in the end they are left with only disappointment. You need to look for happiness in the depths of your soul, you need to figure out what exactly you are doing everything for, what is your ultimate goal. Perhaps you have everything to be happy right here and now.
