What is the essence of trust?
id: 10043822

Trust is an attitude towards the actions of another person and towards him/herself (a partner in a common cause, a partner in an agreement, a leader), which is based on the conviction in his/her rightness, faithfulness, honesty, honesty. The opposite of trust is distrust, suspicion, when one questions the loyalty of the other to the common cause, his willingness to comply with common interests or the terms of the mutual contract, the sincerity of the motives of his actions. In the history of mankind, the need to combine efforts in labor activity has caused the need for mutual commitment and, consequently, for trust.
If we talk about how this ability manifests itself in adults, we can refer to transactional analysis. According to Eric Berne, a human being has
A person has three ego-states - a parent, an adult and a child. If trust has been undermined while going through childhood crises, a person under the influence of emotions can be in two of the three states, parent and child, while the mature adult position is not developed, that is, he cannot translate it into the real world because he is afraid of not being accepted, as his parents did in his childhood, or because he does not trust himself. He either always protects all his acquaintances or friends from the world, or seeks this kind of protection. And, if we talk about relations with other people, coming into a new company, such a person adjusts himself to it long and painfully, proceeding either from the state of a controlling adult, or from the state of a dependent child. As noted above, he either needs to be protected or to be protected. And one tries to figure out who falls into which category: who is the child, who is the parent. But not everyone around them does, they can build communication from all three states at the same time. It is a game, and in the company of adults, no one stays in one state for long, the roles are constantly changing, and sometimes very quickly. Our newcomer with disturbed trust does not know what to say and how to say it, because he has only two schemes of the three, and it turns out that 1/3 of the messages either do not reach him, or he perceives them inadequately - through the prism of the parent or child.

It turns out that because of the upbringing and worldview formed in childhood, not every adult has a universal scheme of behavior for communicating in three positions simultaneously. Such people have to choose for a long time suitable partners who are ready to communicate with them, broadcasting only two understandable schemes. It is worth mentioning that often in such interaction only the "bad" part of the parent manifests itself - demanding, "I am always right," "I will teach you how to live," and the "bad" part of the child - capriciousness, lack of will, "everything must be my way," etc. It is connected either with lack of trust in oneself ("I cannot be me"), or with lack of trust in the world ("I am not like everyone else, I am worse"). There are quite a few disappointments in people connected with this, and a person comes to the conclusion that the world does not accept him or her. And the people around him are to blame for this, they are not the same. This is one of the main reasons for this kind of difficulty in forming trusting relationships with the people around them. Relationships become formal, unemotional, and there is little hope of breaking through this wall. Only recognizing your emotions, working subtly with them, and the desire to change something can help you cope.
