Even if it was cool, even if you decided that you are in love / are friends. If it’s not comfortable, leave; if someone wants to leave, don’t hold it. I actually came to this for a long time. I sewed what it would have been high time to throw it away. I tried to be friends with those who did not want to be friends with me. She pulled those who no longer wanted to work at work.
It is difficult to understand why the one who is so dear to you leaves. It is difficult to explain when you want to leave, but you are very dear to someone. Often people simply do not want these conversations, from which the sediment is compressed in the chest.
No need to regret the end of something good. Just let go. Say "Thank you" for everything that happened. There is no need for resentment and anger, just a nostalgic smile and a step towards a new one 😘
Love the whole world and the world will love you.
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