Aerophobia or how to treat the fear of flight?
id: 10044466

Signs of aerophobia

The symptoms of aerophobia can be divided into two periods:

- pre-flight (initial) - a few days before the upcoming departure, a person develops a nervous state, which can be expressed in two extremes: aggressiveness and irritability, or isolation and depression; he compulsively searches the media for information about plane crashes; just before the flight, the aerophobe may abandon the planned trip and not board the plane;
- during the flight - even before takeoff, a person begins to have breathing problems; heart rate increases; muscle spasms may occur; sweating, tremors appear; dysfunction in the work of the gastrointestinal tract; the passenger begins to constantly analyze the actions of the crew, to imagine a catastrophe - the slightest mechanical noise, aircraft roll or an air hole can provoke a panic attack.

Psychologists believe that some cases of inappropriate behavior of passengers on board an aircraft (for example, fights with passengers or flight attendants) provoke aerophobia. Signs of a condition when the aerophobe simply does not hear the “voice of reason” are most pronounced during takeoff, landing, or getting into a turbulent stream.

Professional treatment for aerophobia

The problem of aerophobia significantly disrupts the level of a person's comfortable existence. This disorder can cause significant damage to his health, both physical and mental. There is only one way out - you need to overcome aerophobia. Treatment of pathological fear of flying on an airplane includes a set of measures:

- taking medications;
-corrective psychotherapy;
- independent overcoming of symptoms.

Aerophobia pills

Modern medicine in the treatment of aerophobia (pills) offers a variety of sedatives that also have a sedative effect. Before buying and using them, a doctor's consultation is imperative. Each person is different. Valerian or motherwort will help someone cope with emotions. Others require complex medicinal products. If, in addition to aerophobia, there are problems with the vestibular apparatus, then before the flight it is necessary to take pills that block the motion sickness process. The spectrum is wide - from the long-known "Aeron" to the latest antihistamines. In order to avoid negative side effects and serious complications in case of an overdose, a doctor's consultation is required before choosing a remedy.

Psychologist's help with aerophobia

The solution to any problem is to eliminate the cause of its occurrence. Aerophobia is not a departure from the rule. A professional qualified psychologist will find the main source of irrational fear and, using specially developed techniques (hypnosis, exposure technique, cognitive-behavioral therapy, etc.), will help the patient to get rid of it in a few short sessions.

How to overcome your fear of flying on your own?

It must be remembered that aerophobia is not a sentence. There are several techniques to help you cope with it. Algorithm for overcoming fear:

-Do not be late for registration - this situation contributes to the development of the so-called "anticipatory alarm";
-selection of a comfortable seat in the aircraft cabin - as a rule, these are places in the aisle (so as not to look through the window), closer to the nose of the aircraft, where turbulence is practically not felt and the noise level is significantly lower;
-when panic is approaching, work with breathing - make the deepest possible exhalation; it is the exhalation, because then you will be forced to inhale deeply and more calmly; concentration on the breath is great for relaxing;
-Drink water - coffee increases the heartbeat, and alcohol can lead to the exact opposite of the expected effect;
- think in advance of what to do with yourself on the flight - a conversation with a neighbor; fascinating book; listening to your favorite music, previously downloaded to the phone; restful sleep (you need to prepare an eye mask, earplugs or take a soothing pill).
