What kind of tea is good for health?
id: 10043822

Known for its healing properties, the tea-leaf drink is popular all over the world. Green tea is rich in antioxidants: quercetin and kaempferol. Many years of research have confirmed the undeniable benefits of unfermented tea for the body.

As the degree of fermentation increases, the flavor increases but the antioxidant activity decreases.

Grade of tea by degree of fermentation:

White tea - unfermented upper leaves and tea buds
Green tea - unfermented tea leaves
Yellow tea - low-fermented tea leaves
Turquoise tea (Oolong) - medium fermented tea leaves
Red tea - partially fermented tea leaves
Black tea - fermented tea leaves
Puer - post-fermented tea leaves (fermentation by Aspergillus fungi)
The health benefits of tea are due to the polyphenols contained in the leaves. As fermentation increases, the concentration of polyphenols decreases. In terms of polyphenol and phytonutrient content, white teas have the highest and about the same concentration as green tea.Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) is a polyphenol isolated in green tea that may inhibit the formation of tumor cells and the development of certain cancers. There is also ongoing research into the role of polyphenols in tea leaves in the treatment of memory disorders and in the treatment of HIV.

Note, however, that drinking too much tea on a daily basis can have adverse effects. A maximum of 2-3 cups of green tea per day is recommended for adults.
So, there is no winner in the argument "what tea is good for men and women, black or green". The amount of the most useful substances, catechins, is the same in them. Correspondingly, they have the same antioxidant properties.

The invigorating properties of black and green varieties do differ, as well as the concentration of vitamins. If you like green tea and want to boost your energy, choose the large-leaf ones.

What kind of green tea is healthiest? The one made from environmentally friendly raw materials. You're better off avoiding cheap supermarket blends, especially those with artificial flavors.

Choose a variety of teas and drink them correctly - only freshly brewed and no more than 3-4 cups a day.
