I want to meet him ... my soul mate ...
I want to fall asleep in his arms and so that my body does not want any other sleeping position. !!!
It is a magical, indescribable feeling when he would lie down next to me and hug me with his right hand, gently pulling me closer to him ...
For me it would be a special ritual, and after he hugged me, and our fingers intertwined, he would kiss me on the neck from behind, whispering on the exhale: "I love you" - pleasant sparks fly through his body from his breath ...
I will answer him also in a whisper: "And I love you" and kiss my warm fingers. The ritual is over.
I want with all my being to feel that I am at home, that I am safe and my consciousness calmly plunges into the world of dreams ...
But, no matter how sweet and strong our sleep is, we will always wake up in the middle of the night, hearing such a dear one: "I love you", in order to whisper in response: "And I love you" and snuggle closer to each other ...
This is a great feeling!
They say that each person has his own "Second Half", only having found which, they become one, feeling, understanding each other without unnecessary words ...
I am waiting for my "soul mate", naively confusing real attraction with affection, love with a habit ... But one day I will meet him - or rather, he will find me and turn my whole familiar and well-established world upside down!
I would never have experienced such an attraction to a person, such joy from being together with a person: I will feel good and scared at the same time - as if a little kitten would be pulled out of the box where he grew up with other kittens, without seeing anything outside of it.
They will take you in your arms, raised high, high, and for the first time gently stroke ...
But all fears will quickly disappear, freeing up more space for real happiness and I will understand that it is he who is my cherished and long-awaited "Second Half".
I'm waiting for you!!! Are you my soul mate?
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