Male attractiveness
id: 10043822

Women prefer men with open eyes and big eyes when looking for a serious relationship. According to statistics, 71% of the fair sex chose guys based on this trait as being more suitable for the continuation of the species. Men were also more likely to go into business or be friends with a man who had more open and large eyes.

However, both men and women in the study said that people with large, seductive eyes seemed less reliable in partnerships.

There's also a lot of attraction in tanning. Guys with dark skin seem prettier than pale-faced men: they seem withdrawn and inexperienced in sexual relationships. In addition, tanned men themselves feel more confident, and this also "enslaves" the partner.

The next time you meet a man with a perfectly symmetrical face, do not let it go, because such people are said to be able to give an unforgettable orgasm to their partner.

Although symmetry is usually not too noticeable, biologists have found that slight differences on each side of our face cannot be clearly perceived by others.

And graying is inherent in richer members of the human race, which is also important for creating an attractive image.
