One thing that never fails dating a Ukrainian woman is learning a couple of Ukrainian (Russian) phrases; it will give you a huge boost. You may not pronounce it correctly but she will be absolutely thrilled to hear you speaking Ukrainian (Russian), because there is much in common between these langugaes. It shows respect and genuine interest in her culture, and let me tell you, ALL Ukrianian people are extremely proud of their heritage. Ukraine is the country with a rich history and lots of cultural and scientific achievements, so if you show respect, you are scoring brownie points every time.
Some of the important things Ukrainians are proud of:
Ukraine is a big country in the eastern Europe.
Ukrainian (Russian-Ukrainian-Ssoviet) space programs. Ukrainians and Russians were the first to send a spaceship into the outer space ("Sputnik-1", 4 October 1957) and to send a man into space (Yuri Gagarin, 12 April 1961)
Ukrainian ballet. Ukrainians believe their ballet is the best in the world and Ukraine has a very strong theatre culture; musicals, drama, opera and ballet theatres are very popular and well attended.
Ukrainian soul. This is the thing that's hard to explain; you can refer to it as the "mysterious Ukrainian soul"; being "soulful" and "deep" as opposed to "rational" and "superficial". Just remember they are proud of it; exploring one's deepest motives, desires and emotions is a respectable pasttime. (Tell her you have an interest in psychology and esoteric, and she will think you are absolutely wonderful.)
Ukrainian oil and minerals. They have a lot of them and this is where the majority of "new Ukrainians" got their money from.
Ukraian women. Ukrainian people believe they have the most beautiful women in the world. It may not be so but Ukrainian women do enjoy taking care of themselves and looking their best every day. It is a pity our men here do not take care of us properly and do not trust us as it should be.
Winning the World War II. Some people don't even know that Soviet Union, Britain and United States were allies in the fight against Hitler. Ukrainians believe they were the country that contributed to the Nazis' defeat the most. Ukraine celebrates The Victory Day on 9th May as a public holiday, the day Nazi Germany capitulated to the Soviet Union in 1945.
Ukrainian educational system. It's good (although not as good as the Soviet educational system once was); most people have college degrees; it's unusual to meet a Ukrainian woman without a college education. The system of professional education is through colleges and not just short-term practical courses or apprenticeship; so, if you want to learn a trade, they teach you a foreign language, history and phylosophy as well and assign a degree at the end. This results in the system where people know a little about a lot and often not enough about the little they actually need to know to do their job. Professional training starts once you get your first job; the first thing they tell you on your first working day, "Forget everything you've learned in college" (I am NOT joking! That's for real.) However, they won't hire you unless you have a college degree. Go figure.
I could go on and on (did I tell you Ukrainians are extremely proud of their heritage?) but those few things will get you by; most other men don't know any of these.
A couple of Ukrainian phrases you may want to learn:
Privet (pronounced "priii-vet") - means "Hi"
Kak dilah? - "How are you doing?"
Ochen' kharasho (pronounced "O-chen ha-ra-sho") - "Very good"
Kak tiibya zovut? - "What's your name?"
Dah - "Yes"
Niet - "No"
Pakah - "Bye"
Try it with the Ukrainian woman you date and I guarantee it will bring a smile on her face! Seriously, try it - you'll be amazed with the results!
You can also buy cheap " Learn Russian / Ukrainian " CD's online that you can listen to in your car; you'll get a great return on your investment. Remember, the point is not to learn the language to perfection (or even to the point where you can speak or understand it) but just show the Ukrainian woman you date that you care. Your imperfect attempts will pay tenfold.
To be continued....
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