Womans Day-Love from Above and How Woman's Day Began.
id: 12506
Love!You deserve to be loved. You are loved. Why are you alive this day? There is something that loves you on this Woman's Day. it is a love from above. It is this love from above that has brought us this far and is keeping us still. You are alive for a reason, you did not ask to be alive but you are so much different than the pile of dirt you will become when it is all over. There is something very special inside of you. Life! Where did the life come from. If we look at it like a fairy tale; once upon a time there was nothing but dirt and mud.Then there were birds and plants and animals but there was nothing to appreciate the flowers and the stars. So out of the dust became something that could look at a flower and like a flower and give a flower to...give a flower to what? There was nothing to give a flower to. Life came out of the dirt but was alone. So a piece of the living thing that held the flower became two pieces, and the one piece gave the flower to the other piece. This is how Woman's Day began.