We are made for each other to simplify our existence, not complicate it. And it is important to enter into each other's lives not as “halves”, but initially as whole. In other words, a woman for a man should not be HIS HALF, just like a man for a woman. When people on both sides are complete, then they succeed in creating strong and happy alliances.
To consider oneself as a half means to officially be considered inferior. And what kind of "happiness" can an inferior person bring into another life? People should complement each other, not fill gaping voids. Should be in equal balance, and not pull the bowl down. We must share knowledge, experience, energy, and not parasitize on the strengths of another ...
People truly become wonderful partners when they can not only take, but also give in return. When they form couples, not because of escape from loneliness, but because they are focused on love. Focused on giving WHOLE WORLDS for the construction of a COMMON UNIVERSE. And the relationship is doomed to failure when one star shines brightly, while the second is dim every day and constantly requires light from the first ...
A man and a woman are mirrors for each other. Everyone wants to see themselves reflected with a vengeance. The whole person multiplies, the half itself requires help. Many couples are destroyed only because one does not take out the other because of his banal unwillingness to be a monolith ..
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