Is there a lot of love in this world?
id: 10046478

How much love there is in this world ..!
She lives in each of us, every second, in every cell. But we forget about it. Sometimes for a minute, or for a day ... or for a year ... or for a lifetime ..
And sometimes we save it, thinking that the day will come, there will be the same person, and then we will pour out on him all our love that has been kept in us for years ... But love cannot be simply preserved. She is dynamic. It should always be directed towards someone, towards something.
Love is not an existing concept separate from everything. She lives in ourselves, as an integral part of us. You can look with love, work with love, paint, sing and smile. Help others, hold a hand, walk beside .. and just live !.
There is a lot of love in us! But we are all waiting for a reason to manifest it. And from that, it often seems that in this world there is less and less love. Each of us notices what evil and gloomy people are walking the streets, standing in lines in stores, how unfriendly they look at each other .. and this makes it seem that there is less and less love in this world ..
But this is not so! .. We simply forget to show it.
And there is so much love ... it is in the look of the mother at the child, it is in the intertwining of the fingers of lovers, it is in the eyes of a guy who buys a flower with his last money, going on a date to her.
Love is everywhere - in children who make funny cards to their parents, in words that we clumsily write on postcards for people we care about, in airports and train stations - how much love is there, sometimes in tears, sometimes in laughter. It is even in how we go to massively buy gifts for the holidays, wrapping them in beautiful packages, picking up bows ... presenting the eyes and happiness of those to whom we give them ...
Love is when we give a sausage to a homeless puppy, stroke a yard kitten, smile at a stranger ... who is dear to us. When we brew tea or coffee in the morning and carry it, quietly, on tiptoe, so as not to wake up the person for whom we prepared it as a pleasant awakening ahead of time.
And also love in silence, when you so want to say "I love", looking into the dearest eyes, but for some reason this word ... "I love" seems so small ... compared to what we feel in ourselves - the whole world, such love that can sweep away one person like an avalanche.
