I found 10 good reasons to keep faith in Santa Claus at any age!
1. Small children have magical thinking, so miracles for them are not something unusual, but a habitual way of knowing the world. Joy in life does not so much depend on external circumstances as it is a reflection of a person's inner mood. Isn't it a miracle?
2. Waiting for the new year and the arrival of Santa Claus with gifts teaches patience. From the very moment the snow fell and winter began, millions of children have been waiting for their bearded grandfather to visit. No matter how old these children are and what social status the family has, everyone is preparing for his arrival.
3. Strengthening family ties. Magic, just like our mood, gathers like-minded people around it. The New Year's ritual and sense of community strengthens bonds within the family. When I was a little girl, my grandfather came with gifts twice: to our house and to visit my grandparents while I was staying with them.
4. New Year is a great reason to write a letter.
Children learn to understand their desires, to declare their needs. In the letter, it is also customary to talk about your good deeds. This helps to learn how to independently assess their actions and sum up the results of the year.
5. Caring for others. New Year is a fun holiday with an exchange of gifts. It is often not so pleasant to receive gifts as to prepare them. Go shopping, choose, pack in special paper. I have always loved the New Year more than my birthday, precisely because everyone around me receives gifts. It's so nice to see pleasure on the face of a loved one when he opens the long-awaited surprise you bought!
6. The child does not always receive the gifts that he really wanted. Santa Claus helps to cope with disappointment. As much as parents would like to fence their child from frustration, in life they will still have to face chagrin. Santa Claus is one of the most positive fairy tale characters. He is kind, strong, generous and fair. A wise grandfather will teach that gifts are not the most important thing in life.
7. The helpers of the winter grandfather also give a unique feeling of the holiday: the smell of tangerines, an elegant fluffy tree, firecrackers, fireworks, entertainment, the opportunity to stay up late ... These moments will be remembered for a lifetime, warming for many years.
8. Thanks to the main New Year's character, the child learns to dream, believe in miracles and that his wishes come true. Belief in Santa Claus develops the child's fantasy. This positive skill is often lacking in adulthood.
9. A sense of identity and social belonging not only forms a good mood in a child, but also instills cultural values. By the way, this includes not only the New Year's ritual. A great occasion to introduce your child to family history, this invisible force is incredibly supportive!
10. Santa Claus is the best teacher! Not only children, but also adults are happy to learn poetry, songs and theatrical performance. The secret of such zeal lies in the non-judgmental acceptance of the New Year's guest and the absence of a competitive moment.
I wish you happiness, health, love and wonderful mood!
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