Ukrainian Chrisrmas is soon to be
id: 10045911

There are many traditions associated with Christmas, but the most important rituals that Ukrainians follow regularly are Christmas dinner and Christmas caroling.The Christmas celebration begins on Christmas Eve. Family members cook Christmas dinner consisting of 12 fasting dishes that symbolize 12 apostles. The main dish at the festive table is kutia – a mix of boiled grains, honey, nuts, poppy seeds, dried fruits, and other toppings. This dish is usually eaten first. Other dishes present at the Christmas table might include mushrooms, fish, varenyky, potatoes, etc. So it all starts calmly and at home. However, big street celebrations soon follow. Boys and girls prepare special songs and verses they take from house to house, entertaining their community in exchange for sweet gifts and tips. It is believed, the more carolers come to the home, the more fortune and wealth will be brought to the family during the following year. Children like to have fun on this holiday, they go from door to door, sing carols and people give sweets to them. The main thing that is important that you have no rights to say No to those ones who come to your house and sing carols because you will offence all the family by rejecting.
Christmas is the holiday when all members of the family gather together. This is the holiday of joy and the most beautiful holiday of the beginning of the year, there is no more wonderful holiday than Christmas.
