Space is infinity ...
id: 10044414

The night sky is a big mystery. When I look at him, I feel an impulse, a desire for something. Even in ancient times people were very interested in the question: "What is there, above, behind the clouds?" And without special adaptations they somehow managed to study, learn, reason and guess about what the Sun and the Moon are. Many of the ancient people thought that the cosmos was a deity. They gave names to planets, worshiped them and offered sacrifices. For a long time, humanity went to conquer space. At first there were attempts to borrow wings from birds, then they came up with an aeronautical apparatus. Later, thanks to the development of science, airplanes and spaceships were built. In our time of high technology, scientists every day observe space, other planets and stars. In the last century alone, many discoveries have been made. Today we know about our native galaxy - the Milky Way, about the solar system, all its planets and the place of our Earth in the system, how meteorites and comets, stars and planets are formed. We must try to figure out what the universe is to the end! I would like to believe that in addition to our Earth, there is also a planet on which intelligent beings live. It is not for nothing that people have noticed strange flying objects and glow in the sky for a long time. It is possible that these aliens want to find contact with us, to study our civilization, culture and life. Abnormal phenomena and mysterious crop circles, is it not our brothers in mind that left us messages that so far no one can decipher? Suddenly, when we look through a telescope and observe space, someone is also watching us? In any case, we have yet to learn many more interesting secrets of the Universe.
