In rare cases, celebrating the New Year is complete without a festive table and alcoholic beverages. It is definitely a wonderful night. On the one hand, it is always fun, guests, gifts, extraordinary dishes, and on the other, a difficult time for the body, digestive system, body shape and health in general. On New Year's Eve, late meals and overeating are inevitable. It is unlikely that anyone will give up the holiday or torment themselves with diets a month before the New Year. And you don't need to! About primitive goal-setting most often. There are two processes: "I eat in order to live" or "I live in order to eat". Here "I live in order to eat" - this is a sign of weak goal-setting, when a person does not have high goals and he does not know how to enjoy life. In this case, he focuses on quick pleasures. Gluttony in this case is the easiest and most affordable way to enjoy yourself. Joy differs from pleasure in that more effort is needed. To refuse something, to do something for the future. We often get joy when we please someone. At this moment, giving is taking place, not consumption. Therefore, the best option not to focus on food is to train higher meanings, to train the ability to rejoice and, in fact, to develop spiritually. When, during life, through eating behavior and, in general, lifestyle, a person has already formed some pathological processes or even earned pancreatitis, gastritis, insulin resistance, then gluttony in the first place aggravates these conditions and provokes exacerbations. For example, if a person has insulin resistance and, in an amicable way, cannot eat sweets, but he loves it very much and gravitates towards buns, sugar and other things, then after eating this, he takes another step towards type 2 diabetes. Also, the consequences of regular gluttony are: excess weight, shortness of breath, unpleasant smell of sweat - this is also a barrier in building relationships in general. At the biological level, there is a certain rejection of a person. If we take a mental layer, then gluttony is most often a defense mechanism. A person will be inclined to eat uncontrollably if there are difficulties with goal-setting, there is a load of resentments, fears, unlived negative states, a weak habit of living them, stress. Difficulties in socialization and making contact with people also speak about the craving for gluttony. Through overeating, a person can avoid solving these issues. Food helps a person to crush their mental problems and pretend that they are not there. In fact, gluttony interferes with personal growth and access to a better quality of life. The most important thing is to wait for the feeling of hunger. I recommend starting with a glass of warm water after the holidays. It is very good during this period to support the work of the excretory system, intestinal motility. It is very useful to walk, take a walk on an empty stomach in the fresh air for 15-20 minutes. This just very well activates the digestive tract and awakens hunger. After the hunger has awakened, it is helpful to start eating simple food. It is clear that there is an abundance of everything on the table, but it is important to start filtering to make it easier for our stomach. We choose one dish, ate it and wait for hunger again. We go about our business, have fun. It is very useful after the holidays to come up with some activities in advance that will delight. If we are happy, then we do not think about food. In order not to sour and not overeat, it is useful to do something pleasant for the soul: from watching pleasant films to emotional meetings or any new habits that you want to introduce into your life.
We must drink water during the day. Better hot, as far as you can drink it without scalding. You can drink a glass every hour and a half. You can take a few sips every half hour. And you can drink half an hour before meals, a little more than you usually drink. Busting is bad everywhere, including water. The most important principle in regulating your eating behavior is gradualness. If a person is not at all accustomed to drinking water, you need to start a little at a time. There is a principle of the first sip: you took a glass of water, took the first sip and listen to whether you want to drink further or set it aside if you do not want to. So the desire will gradually begin to awaken itself as the body needs. It is important to know that simply drinking water is not as effective. It must be combined with physical activity. On New Year's holidays, the biggest mistake is passivity. We then sit at the table, then roll in front of the TV, and so on in a circle. Get yourself out of the house! Go somewhere to the skating rink, to the park, go on foot, do not get into the car. Movement plus water will cleanse the body and start the metabolism.
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