Traditions of celebrating Christmas in Ukraine
id: 10037854

Traditionally, Christmas is preceded by a long forty-day Nativity Fast, which begins on November 28 and ends on January 7.
The main and ritual dish for Christmas is kutia, wheat, barley or rice porridge mixed with raisins, poppy seeds, honey and nuts. Also, there must be an uzvar on the table.
All family members must be at home at Christmas. It is necessary to sit down at the Christmas table with the appearance of the first star, which is called the Bethlehem star. The Holy Evening begins with prayer and the lighting of a Christmas candle.
An important Christmas rite for Holy Eve is table decoration. Traditionally, it is covered with fresh hay or straw, a little grain is poured on top and covered with a tablecloth. In the corners of the table, under the tablecloth, they put a clove of garlic, which will protect the family from diseases and evil forces.
The place of honor in the house should be occupied by Didukh - a rye, wheat or oat sheaf, which symbolizes the harvest, prosperity, wealth, the spirit of ancestors and the guardian of the family.
An important and unchanging tradition is caroling. Carollers go through the streets and houses, starting from Holy Evening, or from the first day of Christmas.
Entering the yard or the house, young people or children ask permission and when the owners agree, the carolers begin to sing congratulatory carols and play comic scenes. Most often, in such songs wishes for happiness, health and prosperity are heard. At the end of the singing, the owners bring sweets or money.
Another tradition of celebrating Christmas is Christmas fortune-telling. From time immemorial, people were interested in their future and wanted to look behind its veil. During the Christmastide period, starting from Holy Evening and ending with the Baptism of the Lord, our ancestors wondered about their fate.
To find out about their future, people used wax, milk, hair, snow, jewelry, and other paraphernalia. The girls, of course, wondered about the betrothed.
