1. Not responding to messages.
It's fine that he's busy with a case and not holding his phone 24/7. Nevertheless, a man who is passionate and even just a man who respects you is bound to respond to a message sooner or later. If you feel that your message is flying into the void, and to get in touch with you, he leaves after he disappears for an indefinite period, feel free to put a cross in the relationship
2. You don't feel comfortable around him.
The excitement of first dates is over, but you still feel uncomfortable in his company. Afraid to say something wrong, walk naked in front of him, because something about you is wrong, shifting from foot to foot, once in his apartment. It is worth listening to yourself: you may have unconsciously feel that this relationship is not for you.
He's rude.
What's disguised as "straightforwardness" may turn out to be bad parenting, insecurity, or simple aggression. Insulted the waiter, hurt your mother joke, let off an inappropriate comment about you, decided to "deal" with the guy on the street, who "wrong" look at you? Think about it, are you really willing to put up with all this?
4. he doesn't want to stay with you longer
After a passionate night out, the first thing he does is call a cab for himself or you, because he definitely needs to get some sleep. Or, after spending the night with you, he does not hurry to share the desire to cuddle a little more, to have breakfast together, to go to work together, and jumping out of bed, because there is so much to do. In fact, he just doesn't want to spend time with you, and you need to understand that.
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