⭐️ Losing is only part of the journey, not the end of it
If you have failed, even several times in a row, it does not mean that everything is bad — the situation just hints to you that you are doing something wrong. If desired, you can make anything out of each person that your heart desires. Of course, the text is taken from the chic BroDude.ru in order to grow entrepreneurs out of some people, you need to make a little more effort than from natural great combinators, but if a person sincerely wants to do his own thing, then when reading the right literature and turning on his head, he can quite cope with it.
⭐️ You feel quite satisfied with life
You may not have been overtaken by success, but you do not feel an acute aversion to life. You enjoy the process, you like to go to your goal, and your path does not seem tedious. Yes, the text is taken from the chic BroDude.ru there have been good and bad days, but in general life is not that bad, especially if you do everything right and don't blame anyone for the fact that nothing works out for you. Your mood is a great indicator that you are on the right track.
⭐️ No pointless quarrels
Your conflict is reduced to zero. Were you pushed on public transport and not even apologized? You are not rude in response, but calmly go on. Did the dude take the last piece of pizza, even though you haven't had enough yet? Let him eat, you'll be thinner. You can't be called a pacifist, but Bob Marley plays in your soul, and the world seems, if not the most wonderful, then a very acceptable place.
⭐️ You realize important things
Sometimes you get real epiphanies. You suddenly realize that your friends are not real friends and you need to get rid of them. Do you understand that the career in m Text is taken from the chic BroDude.ru arquetting is absolutely not for you, despite the fact that you have spent many years on it. It finally dawns on you that you don't like beer, but drink it in order to keep the conversation going. It seems to be small things, but they happen only when everything is good in your life and you have the opportunity to reflect while sitting on the toilet in peace and quiet.
⭐️ It seems to you that you are poor, but you can afford quite a lot
Rent, delicious food, good clothes, going to the cinema once a week. If you can afford all this, we will make you happy: you live in prosperity, no matter how much you dramatize.
⭐️ You're going in the direction you like
You have a favorite hobby that gives you great pleasure during your leisure hours. You spend a decent portion of your personal money on it. If you sit down and calculate, it turns out that it is very decent. Even if you don't like the team or the salary, you are happy with the work process itself and don't want to leave this place at all. Most likely, the road you chose is the right one.
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