On the night of the Old New Year, from 13 to 14 January, it is customary to guess. Traditionally, the girls gathered in a large company and tried to look into the future.
1. Fortune-telling for the betrothed
This is a very simple and popular method of divination. With it, you can find out the name of your future husband. To do this, it is enough to go out and ask the first person you come across his name. The name that he will pronounce will be the name of the future husband.
2. Fortune-telling by the future husband
Fortune-telling with a ring, bread and a hook. They are placed in a bowl with other small objects, such as pebbles. After that, each of the girls, without looking, takes out the first thing that comes across. Bread - to a rich husband, a ring promises a handsome man, a hook - a poor man.
3. Fortune-telling on the night of January 14 for a wish
Before going to bed on January 13, write 10 wishes on separate pieces of paper, put the leaves under the pillow. When you wake up, pull out one of them - this wish will come true.
4. Fortune-telling by the boot
This is a simple traditional fortune-telling, in which girls threw boots on the road. The toe of a shoe that fell to the ground showed in which direction the fortuneteller would marry. If the boot turned toe to the house, the girl will not marryr.
5. Fortune-telling on the Old New Year by cups
How many people will guess, so many cups are needed, in which they put a ring, bread, coin, sugar, salt, onion, and pour water into one. With closed eyes, each of the fortune-telling girls chooses a cup for themselves. What turned out to be in the vessel, this will be the future: a ring - for an imminent wedding, bread - for prosperity, a coin promises wealth, sugar - fun, salt - failure, onions - tears, a bowl of water - everything will be the same, without change.
6 . Fortune-telling on the grains
Take a can of any cereal and ask your question. Then take out a handful of grains with your left hand and count them. An even number is a positive answer to the question, and an odd number is a negative one.
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