Ah, spring is the most beautiful time of the year. The flowers are blooming, it gets warm, the birds are chirping, and the head is full of romantic thoughts. What makes the spring season the most beautiful time of the year?
Yes, it's warm, but not yet hot - the perfect combination. And even a little rain is nice, knocking the dust off the ground and bringing freshness.
Time to get rid of everything before the next cold season. Long live jeans and windbreakers, and very soon you can get rid of that too, dressed in sundresses, shorts and light blouses.Spring - time for renovation, it's time to do the house too, wash the windows after the long winter, change the environment and let a fresh spring breeze into the house!
There is no more need to wrap up warm clothes and go out in the cold, afraid of getting cold. It's time to get outside and enjoy the bright and warm days. Let's go for a walk!
Spring is a reminder of summer. It's not too late to join a gym and work on yourself, pump up your muscles so your body is ready for summer. Hurry, before it's too late.
The most beautiful moment of spring is when the trees and flowers begin to bloom. Selfie lovers will never pass by such beauty, and therefore social networks are filled with beautiful pictures of spring landscapes. The main thing is not to be overpowered by bees and bumblebees!
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