Interesting about birthdays. traditions and omens.
id: 10044452

After all, the emergence of new life into the world should be a joy. Although we perceive this day in different ways throughout life. When we are babies we don't even suspect about it, then we wait for it with great impatience, constantly ordering more and more presents and changing our wishes to our parents, then we suddenly begin to realize that to become a year older is not so pleasant as in our childhood, and even suddenly we stop to celebrate this holiday and give it meaning. It's just another birthday...

When did people start celebrating the day they were born as a holiday? Are there any special traditions in different countries? And what are the omens associated with this day?

And these are not all the questions, the answers to which may be interesting.

In fact, your birthday is your own personal New Year. A kind of point of reference. And it's the day your deepest wishes come true. And all the rules that we try to follow on December 31st on that day are just as valid, even more so. Why? Because on New Year's Eve everyone speaks and thinks about their wishes, moreover, we try to have time to list them in the minute when the chime strikes or there is some other countdown, which is different in each country.

How can those who are responsible for the fulfillment of our wishes, somewhere up there, hear all at once, do not forget anything and do not mix up anything?

And the birthday is the day when our Guardian Angel and everyone who can help us in the realization of our hopes, including family and friends who have passed away, listen to our wishes. And we can wish for them all day long. All this day we can dream in the hope that our dreams will come true.

That is why it is considered correct to celebrate the holiday on a day to day basis. Many people know that we should not celebrate the holiday in advance, but they often postpone the meeting of guests and the celebration itself until the next weekend. And the loved ones who have left us, who would only be happy to help us in our earthly life, may "come down" to find out all our innermost desires. Therefore, if there is no possibility to celebrate the birthday on the day, then you need to give yourself at least a small holiday in the family circle, it makes a difference.

What else interesting things can we learn about birthdays?
