Christmas in Ukraine
id: 10045374

The Nativity of Christ is a beautiful holiday filled with customs and traditions, which is traditionally celebrated in Ukraine on a grand scale. The church has since ancient times ranked the celebration of Christmas as one of the greatest events - the birth of Jesus Christ. All believers honor this holiday and try to observe all the customs and traditions that have developed over the centuries. But in Ukraine, even not very religious people love the Christmas period and do not mind plunging into the appropriate atmosphere. And all because at Christmas, for psychologically explainable reasons, an atmosphere of kindness is in the air, people gather at family tables, give each other gifts, say beautiful toasts and spend time with pleasure, relaxing and enjoying the moment. And it is also possible that for some, the reason for such a positive attitude towards Christmas in modern Ukraine is additional weekends.
Customs and traditions for the Holy evening
Holy Evening - precedes Christmas and is the last day of fasting.
It is customary to prepare 12 dishes for the holy evening, but all of them must be prepared without milk, butter, sour cream and eggs, that is, meatless dishes.
On the Holy evening, there must be kutia on the table.
It is also customary to carry kutya to their godparents this evening. The godparents, in response to the kutya brought or, as it is also called, the supper, usually give gifts, money or treats in return.
It is desirable that the whole family gather at the table on Holy Evening.
On this evening, it is customary to remember all the deceased relatives.
It is advisable that on Holy Eve dinner begins with the introduction of a sheaf of wheat or rye into the house. This sheaf is also called didukh, kolyada or grandfather, and it personifies the well-being of the family. The sheaf is placed in the corner of the table with dishes.
Also, there must be a candle on the table on Holy Evening, and the owner of the house must light it.
You need to sit down at the table on Holy Evening only with the appearance of the first star in the sky.
It is advisable to read the prayer "Our Father" before you start having dinner.
During dinner, it is forbidden to talk a lot and loudly, as well as to leave the table.
Unmarried guys and unmarried girls should not sit on the corner of the table, otherwise they will be left without a pair.
Dishes cannot be washed down with water, only with uzvar.
Until dinner comes to an end, it is forbidden to leave the table, and especially from the house, so as not to let evil spirits into the house.
It is imperative to try a little of each of the 12 dishes, but you cannot overeat and eat whole meals - otherwise the refrigerator will be empty all year round.
There is also a custom on Svyatyuchny to share a broth or slices of bread with honey. The owner must go around each member of the family and treat him, saying a wish from himself to this particular relative.
Since it is believed that on Holy Eve every animal can talk to God, the owners must go around their entire household (dogs, cats, horses, cows, pigs, etc.). It is necessary to thank each animal and treat it with something tasty, so that when talking with God, the animal replies that it is well with this owner.
Also, among the customs and traditions at Christmas, it is customary to carol.
An important and unchanging tradition at Christmas is caroling. Carollers go through the streets and houses, starting either from Holy Evening, or from the first day of Christmas. They often carry with them a large star, fixed on a stick and covered with gilded paper. Such a star symbolizes the one of Bethlehem, which marked the birth of Jesus Christ.
Entering the yard or the house, young people or children ask permission to chase, and when the owners agree, the carolers begin to sing congratulatory carols and play comic scenes. Most often, in such songs the owner and hostess are sung, wishes for happiness, health and prosperity are heard. At the end of the singing, the owners bring sweets or money to the carols.
Another ancient Christmas custom in Ukraine is walking with a nativity scene. The Nativity Scene is a mobile miniature puppet theater, housed in a box, in which entire performances on the theme of Christmas were shown.
It should be noted that the traditions of celebrating Christmas in Ukraine are not limited to a static nativity scene with dolls. A live nativity scene, in which real people play the roles of various characters, has also gained wide popularity in our country.
I love Christmas. This is home comfort and feast. Many secrets and secrets. This is the best holiday ever.
