How to find your dream?
id: 10048553

It is advisable for this to first write out all your desires. The smallest, the most accessible. It can be a purchase of anything, and desires related to leisure or work. Everything you want for today.

And you need to start with these small desires.
If your dream is hidden too far, then it will appear in front of you when you are ready to accept it.
Now take care of your little aspirations. Start implementing them one by one.
One small step a day is better than none at all!
When you understand that it is not difficult to realize a small desire, a larger one can be born. Realize a greater desire - your real dream will come to you!
And most importantly, keep asking yourself:
“What has been done today?
What steps have been taken to achieve my dream?”
Whether there will be a dream in your life, whether you will realize it - it depends only on you!

Dream! And if you want your dreams to come true, then do your best to make them come true!
