Really scary
id: 10046790

Perhaps most of all people are afraid of being themselves. They are afraid to openly express their feelings, desires, aspirations, especially if they do not fit into certain norms and foundations. They are ashamed of love much more often than hate, passion is forbidden for them.
It’s not accepted like that, they don’t wear it, they don’t say it, they don’t do it, they don’t live with such people, it’s indecent, dangerous, reckless, stupid.
People put on masks, and by no means medical ones, push emotions deeper into the soul, and dissolve desires in the acid of everyday boredom.
They seem to sleep for days on end, even though their eyes are open. But what is really scary is something completely different - to live such a short, in general, life, not by yourself, not with those, not for yourself ... It's really scary - to live by stepping on your heart.
