Does love live for three years?
id: 10046003

Often we hear the phrase "Chemistry has arisen between them." Is it so?
Scientists claim that when relationships are established between people, certain hormones are produced in their bodies that cause attachment in their bodies and a feeling of euphoria.
If we delve into science, we will find out that the production of these hormones decreases significantly after the appearance of children in a couple. First of all, it decreases in a woman, because with the appearance of children, her number of stress hormones increases significantly more than in a man. On average, the process of "euphoria" under the action of hormones is really about three years.
But this applies more to people whose relationships are developing very rapidly.
But over time, a lot of things change, just like the foundations of “got married, immediately gave birth to a child”, there are also people who do not plan children at all. Therefore, the mechanisms for the preservation of partnership, originally invented by nature, now do not work in all cases.

My opinion is that love between people lives exactly as long as both people want it. And besides chemistry, neuromechanics and other physical processes, there is something invisible to us, but very important at the same time, which helps couples maintain relationships and love for many decades.

And what do you think , does love have an expiration date or can it still be eternal ?
