But then why are so many families breaking up? In my opinion, in order for the family to be happy, it is not necessary to remake the partner according to their own ideas about what he or she should be. You need to work on yourself first of all.
It is very difficult to be able to hear a person stepping on his own ego's throat. Especially when people are at a young age and cannot always cope with emotions and pride. Not everyone can cope with this, which is why we have such a large number of divorces.
Ideally, each partner who takes care of the other half and their own children creates an ideal happy family in the generally accepted sense. Only it is extremely difficult to achieve this. All people are different with their characters, habits, goals and hopes.
We must be able not only to hear, but also to understand the reasons for certain actions of the partner. Or at least try to do it. And to do this, you need to talk, be frank and open with each other, have one common goal, respect for someone else's opinion, one desire – a happy family.
It is equally important to respect your children as a person. To perceive them as a person. Yes, this person is still small, does not understand everything, but if you explain to a child, he even at his age has the right to his own opinion and is able to form it. You need to believe in your child.
If a child is constantly told that he is still small and stupid, then he will perceive himself as small and stupid until old age. This is a direct way to grow a parasite and an insecure person. Is this happiness?
Love saves everything in this life if it is real and sincere. This, in my opinion, is the main rule for creating a happy family. Because when we love, we stop thinking about our own well-being and begin to do things for loved ones and relatives.
Somewhere we will keep silent, so as not to offend or offend them, somewhere we will tell the truth to their eyes in order to prevent a big mistake being made by a person. We will not leave you for better or for worse. We'll be there when it's needed and step aside to give you the opportunity to be alone.
A happy family is one in which there is no place for lies.
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