in the last month of winter, our hearts are in a hurry to warm such a romantic holiday as St. Valentine's Day.
and before starting preparations for this holiday, I propose to recall its history.
In fact, despite all the romance and lightness of this holiday in our times, its history carries a rather tragic fate.
there are two legends.
The first is connected with the execution of St. Valentine because he did not want to renounce Christianity. Before his execution, Saint Valentine left a note to his jailer's daughter. After that, all couples in love began to consider Valentine their patron and began to celebrate this holiday on the day of the execution of the priest Valentine on February 14th.
The second version says that the holiday originates during the reign of Claudius II. Then Rome was shrouded in constant battles and soldiers were constantly needed. But the ruler at that time believed that the reason the soldiers did not want to join the army was because they did not want to leave their beloved women. Subsequently, all marriages and engagements were canceled in Rome. In turn, Saint Valentine, according to legend, secretly married lovers. For which he was captured and executed on February 14th.
This is how the romantic holiday was born, which all lovers look forward to every year.
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