Romance is the desire and ability to pay attention to each other, surprise a loved one and fill a relationship with pleasant emotions. Creating romance is the ability to bring unusual sensations into everyday life and create interesting events.
So, 8 ways to bring romance into a relationship:
1. ⭕️ Make each other unexpected surprises and real gifts! ⭕️
Very often, couples stop giving each other gifts, and instead, even for birthdays, they buy "something necessary and useful for the house" or completely neglect it. Yes, of course, each couple chooses their own option and follows the established model. But, believe me, if you risk breaking the established order of things and surprise your loved one – he will be happy to receive a gift (especially if this is what he has been dreaming about for a long time! by the way, do you know what your partner dreams about?) And it's not even about the gift itself and not about its cost, but about guessing a person's innermost desires and surprising him with an unexpected surprise (I shared the ideas of a gift to my husband here). When choosing a gift, of course, you will break your head, but pay attention to your loved one, remember (or study even more thoroughly) his preferences, interests and tastes - in general, invest your time, energy and desire to please in this gift. And with this attitude, any gift will become special - with that, for both of you!
Agree: in fact, each of us has "everything" (this is the most common excuse why we don't give gifts to each other), except for one thing – unexpected pleasures. Therefore, do not deny your loved one such luxury, which everyone can organize.
2.‼️ Gratitude to each other is very important ‼️in a relationship - after all, both men and women want to feel important and know that their contribution to the relationship is appreciated by the partner. It is important to express gratitude not only every day with the traditional "thank you", but it can also be done in a romantic way. For example, to write out a letter to a loved one, in which to list all his merits and "contribution" to the relationship, write a poem, hang out sheets of compliments throughout the apartment, put a note in a pocket or a postcard in a bag / briefcase. The task is to say "thank you" to a person for everything he does for you, for his merits, attitude towards you, or simply for what he is. If it is difficult for you to think of something to thank a person for - remember your life before meeting him and the brightest moments of your story; list mentally everything he does for you and what problems he solves; analyze how your life changed after your meeting and what positive moments were added to it. There is always something to thank a loved one for - maybe for a gentle look and a reverent attitude, a strong shoulder and reliability, for the moments experienced together, for support and patience, for support in difficult situations, for delicious dinners or help around the house.
3.⭕️ "Romantic Fridays"⭕️ is a weekly habit of spending every Friday together and devoting this time to each other. On a romantic Friday, you can go to the cinema, to a restaurant, cook a special dinner (for example, your husband's favorite dish), have a massage, take a bath by candlelight, etc– - it all depends on your imagination and preferences. The point is to spend this time together - ideally go on a romantic date . Who should invite you on dates? If you decide to practice the idea of "romantic Fridays– - try to agree to invite each other in turn: so everyone will take an active part and get the opportunity to implement their ideas. The second question for couples is: what about the children? Feel free to involve grandmothers, godparents, friends, acquaintances in this case – I think they are only happy to babysit with a child! Or arrange with other married couples to take turns with the children (first they are with yours, then vice versa) - I think they will also be happy to have this opportunity to be alone when it's your turn to sit with the children. By the way, there is also a variant of all kinds of "children's centers" and sections where children are doing something useful under supervision – and the child is well, and you will have the opportunity to spend time together.
4. ‼️ Don't forget to celebrate your anniversaries: ‼️ day
dating, first date, honeymoon or wedding. Many couples neglect to celebrate these days, or simply forget, but such holidays really seal the relationship. You can celebrate such dates by going to a restaurant, walking together, having a special dinner at home by candlelight, exchanging gifts or postcards. It is important to fill this day with special attention to each other, remember "how it was" and plunge into the memories of the magical moments of your history.
5. ⭕️ Traveling together⭕️ is a great way to remember your honeymoon, be alone, enjoy your vacation and each other away from everyday worries. Surely, each of you has places that you dream of visiting. Combine your dreams and choose a place to travel together, set a goal to make such a trip in the coming year or surprise your loved one for his birthday. By the way, you can arrange a mini-trip for a weekend - out of town, to a neighboring city, to the mountains or to the sea.
6. ‼️ Joint "coming out" ‼️ . Maybe this paragraph slightly repeats the previous ones, but I took it out separately, because for most women it is very important to "go out together somewhere". "Social outing", going to a cultural event or party, theater, ballet, cinema, dinner in a restaurant– is an occasion not only to "walk dresses" and make a special makeup, but also a great way to get new impressions and topics for communication.
7. ⭕️ Joint leisure and active recreation (sports, hobbies)⭕️.It's great if you decide to learn something together: to master some kind of sport together or go to psychological training. Do you have any hobbies together? So - the task is to remember them (can directly write them out separately) and develop them. It can be anything: Argentine tango, right hemisphere drawing, kayaking, hiking, skiing, playing chess or guitar, football, fishing, swimming or big tennis. In general, it all depends on your interests and imagination – but be sure that such joint classes will bring you very close.
8. ‼️Separation, separate friends and separate vacations‼️. No, this paragraph does not contradict the previous one. When all the methods have been tried, this one remains. Everyone has a natural right to personal space and the need to be alone. So in this sense, friends, trips and separate vacations are also personal space. "To let go or not to let go" is, of course, a matter of trust and such a litmus of healthy relationships, in principle. But we are now talking about healthy relationships, so separation in them (not too long, of course) is normal and even necessary, at least in order to miss each other, it is possible to overestimate something and once again remember why you once made the decision to be with this person.
The whole trick is to consciously relate to closeness and distance – after all, these are natural processes in relationships that already happen, and if desired, they can be used for good. Oddly enough, separation in the right doses brings us closer. If you stay together around the clock or don't see each other for years, problems in the relationship are inevitable. Therefore, the ideal option is to find your own balance of joint and separate pastime, which will make it possible to miss each other, but at the same time not to get too far away from each other and not lose the thread of your special relationship.
Go, for example, to visit your parents or friends, and from afar write a romantic letter to your loved one and send it by mail. Such separations are very close, and meetings after them bring a surge of feelings and, perhaps, a new stage in the relationship.
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