Since she cannot devote all of herself to a man, walk, spend the night with him all the time, and so on, she has to live and pay attention to her child.
Because of what, a different approach to such women is needed. In addition, you need to like her child, so that she accepts a man.
Therefore, a man should follow some tips, thanks to which he can become a full-fledged family member in the life of a woman and her child. But what are these tips? Let's take a look at them.
1. You don't have to immediately live on their territory.
No matter how much a woman likes a man, he should not immediately live with them on their territory. So he will quickly cause rejection on the part of the child and he will treat him negatively.
A man needs to invite a woman and sometimes even a child to his place.
So he can demonstrate his good attitude and emphasize the seriousness of his intentions.
2. You should not try to replace the child's real father.
You can be the perfect person from whom you can learn a lot. But you should not try to become a father to a child and replace his real father.
If his father is alive and the child treats him well, then you should not interfere with their relationship at all. Just be a friend to the child and treat him well. At the same time, appreciate and respect his opinion.
3. No need to turn a woman against her children.
Some men want to become more significant in a woman's life than her children. Because of what they can turn her own children against her and finally alienate her from the children. But this can not be done, because this way your relationship will come to naught.
In addition, for a woman, children are the most precious thing in her life, which is why your plans will not come true.
4. Don't break the old system.
Each family has its own built-in system, interests, preferences, daily routine, and so on.
You should not change them in any way, because in this way you will immediately provoke anger and a bad attitude towards yourself. Accept this system and become a part of it to become a good stepfather and live with a woman.
5. Spend time with your kids.
Since you started dating a woman who has children, then you should treat her children well.
To do this, try to spend time with children, communicate with them, play and so on. And this should not be done immediately, but after a certain time after meeting. Then you will be able to win over them, and they will treat you well.
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