How to surprise a girl if she is far away from you?
id: 10044831

To keep the brand of the best man in the world, you need to know how to surprise a girl from a distance so that she feels your love, even while in another city or country.

To somehow brighten up the period of separation, you need to constantly remind yourself. The girl is a sweet slave being; she should not make sweeping gestures. She has enough daily calls and gentle SMS. But a guy may well come up with something extraordinary to prevent his girlfriend from forgetting about herself, even when she is thousands of kilometers away from him.

Temporary separation is not a reason to break up a relationship. This is just a test of couples for strength, for feelings. If they are real, then both sides will do everything to brighten up each other's separation period as much as possible, and the main steps should be taken by a man. He is stronger emotionally and is ready to do things for the sake of his beloved. The surprise of a girl, surprises for her, extraordinary actions, constant maintenance of feelings in good shape - these are the standard actions of a real man.
