I can't get over the cool pictures of raccoons on the internet. Especially when you consider that searching for photos of a raccoon through search engines is an unpleasant business, every now and then you stumble upon bloody photographs taken by hunters. I'd rather collect the best photos of raccoons here - admire your health! And share this raccoon therapy with your friends - let there be more smiles and kind people🤗!
The popularity of raccoons is increasing every day. Funny photos and videos with these animals appear on the network😍. Naturally, this captivates the "viewer" and many decide to have such a creature at home. But, not everything is so simple. It is important that a person understands that this animal is not a cat or a dog that has been living next to a person for hundreds of years🥰. By nature and behavior, it is a predator, so taming a raccoon can be difficult.
I would also really like a raccoon😍🙏.
Pictures and videos of creatures with striped tails and muzzles in masks flooded the Internet🔥. Perhaps they are becoming even more popular than cats🤔.
Raccoons are very active and mobile animals, it is impossible to keep them in place😉.
Raccoons are omnivores. You can feed them boiled meat, fruits, vegetables and nuts🌰.
But from time to time the fluffy finds its own food on its own ...
Digging in some garbage dumps is normal for them. All caterpillars and other insects are also included in their diet😉.
Poloskun is not an accidental addition to the name of the animal. In the literal sense, all food must be rinsed before use; for this, a bowl of water should be next to the bowl🤪. The raccoon also shows his cleanliness in the toilet: he only goes to his potty😝.
The nature of the raccoon
So that the behavior of the animal does not shock you, before you start it, study the character traits and behavior of this cute predator. In the case of the raccoon, appearances are deceiving. This cute creature is a big prankster😅.
Nevertheless, raccoons are not deprived of intelligence🤔. They always show interest in various items, so the owner should not leave valuables unattended and freely available😊. Remember that the raccoon is driven by instincts, therefore, even at home, he will constantly strive to find water and rinse everything that he finds in the room in it😌.
You can't get rid of your instincts. A person who decides to have a raccoon at home must understand that he will never become domesticated🤔.
When trying to tame your pet, consider its character☺️. Raccoons have the following traits:
extraordinary curiosity - if any object interests the animal, he will try to get to it in any way;
waywardness - the gargles willingly demonstrate this feature, therefore the owner will have to come to terms with the fact that he will have to make concessions and seek a compromise;
perseverance - in behavior, the raccoon is similar to a three-year-old child, just as capricious and curious, always achieves what he wants by any means.
Keeping such an animal at home will not be easy. If you spoil him, he will cause a lot of trouble. The upbringing of the animal must be competent, otherwise the pet will show another trait of character - arrogance, and thus cause a lot of problems.
Raccoons react sharply to noise and any sudden movements. The pet may perceive such actions as a danger, and rush to the attack😮.
Features of the behavior of a raccoon at home
Do not count on the fact that the beast will quickly become a home. It will have to be domesticated gradually, but following all the recommendations, knowing all the behavioral characteristics of the animal does not guarantee that it will become a good-natured, literally “plush” pet😱.
The behavior of the raccoon is similar to a cat or a dog:
The animal is inherent in playfulness, it is active, likes to have fun. So that the raccoon is not bored, get all kinds of ladders and toys. Young individuals love various adaptations with obstacles that they easily overcome. Do not forget that gargles are very fond of water.
Animals do not always like to play. If they don't like something, they can be aggressive. These creatures are territorial 🤔.
Raccoons do not hold stubbornness. If they want something, no obstacles will stop them, including the prohibitions of the owner☺️.
It is almost impossible to tame and domesticate an adult animal that lived in the wild. If you want to raise a “social” pet that makes contact with a person, you need to do this from an early age🤪.
How to tame and domesticate a raccoon:
First you need to work out a strategy for raising a pet. If you want to domesticate a striped raccoon, remember that it is absolutely impossible to beat him and punish him by physical means☝️. The beast will forever remember the offender, hold a grudge against him and will always look for the right moment to rush into the attack😮.
Any attempts of the “offender” to come into contact with the animal will be regarded by the latter as a threat to life🥺. The animal will try to protect itself with sharp teeth and not powerful, long claws😱.
To tame a raccoon and make it a full-fledged pet, you will have to follow several rules of education:
Regular walks. Poloskun, like other pets, fresh air is vital. Starting from the age of a few months, the animal can be taken out on the hands of the street. When the animal is a year or several years old, it is better to walk with him on a leash with a muzzle. Walking time is unlimited. On the street, it is especially interesting to watch a pet, gargles study nature with special interest, but do not lose sight of your pet.
The animal needs constant attention. In order for an individual not to be afraid of a person, you need to talk with it, play often😝. Adult raccoons can distinguish the intonation of their owner's voice, therefore they can follow simple commands😌. Many animals react sharply to loud sounds, so you should not raise your voice or shout at them☝️.
You need to know how to calm a raccoon if he is outrageous. The main thing is not to shout at him and not to use physical force☝️. It is enough to pick up a rustling object, the gargle will be alert and calm down😍.
Do not forget that the pet needs affection. It is not enough just to feed and care for him. If you treat a raccoon with love, it will become domestic faster😉.
Raccoons can cause a lot of trouble to their owner, but with the right upbringing, they can be tamed🤗. Following simple recommendations will help make friends with your pet and make him a true friend😍🙏.
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