A few forgotten ways to conquer a woman
id: 10048577

Confidence is shown in your words, and even more in your actions. She hears it in your voice, sees it in your eyes, feels it in your movements. In a sense, your behavior seems to inform her: "I'm the man you need. I intend to make you mine." She will feel it immediately, even without words.

Men often forget that a woman cannot be treated as "your friend". She deserves a different attitude. The first rule: never swear with her, do not say offensive words — it's disgusting. Would you ever want someone to talk to your daughter like that?

Women find patience sexually attractive. It's like you're saying, I'm willing to wait because you're worth it. It is important to remain sincere and honest, show respect for her, appreciate her as a woman. Then, perhaps, you will receive the long-awaited prize.

In the end, it's not so important how much money you have and how attractive you look. The most important thing is whether you can make her feel special. Then there is a chance that she will fall in love with you without memory. And when that happens, keep winning it over and over again.
