Poledance is a dance that combines elements of choreography, acrobatics and gymnastics. Do not confuse Poledance with the usual striptease or strip plastic, because during this sport there is a significant physical load. It's like gymnastics on the bar, only the pole is upright.
Pole dancing is especially suitable for women who often slouch. It has a good effect on muscles and joints. Therefore, by exercising regularly, you can achieve a beautiful posture and, as a result, an easy gait.
The pole is a great exercise machine for the arms, legs, back and abs. Poledance not only helps to get rid of complexes, it teaches you to move beautifully, improves stretching and endurance, and also helps to lose weight and make your figure slim.
All of our classes begin with a warm-up. First comes a set of exercises for warming up the muscles, then stretching and flexibility exercises, then for strength in the arms, back, etc. Next, we proceed directly to classes with the pylon.
Pole dance training requires a special approach. In the classroom, we learn tricks, twists, stalls (dance on the floor, near the pole) and learn to combine all this into a beautiful, graceful, feminine and sexy dance.
Pole Dance Exotic is one of the types of pole dance aimed not only at the study of tricks and dance sequences on the pole, but also at the development of plasticity and sexuality. Pole dance exotic includes the study of elements of strip plasticity and strip dance.
So, what are the benefits of sport and pole dancing for us?
Opportunity to improve health. For example, with proper training, you can form a good muscle corset, significantly strengthen your back muscles, and stretch your spine. I know girls who improved their situation with scoliosis, formed a good posture. You can also improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.
Poledance - evenly toned, beautiful, slender body. In this direction, there is a varied number of various elements, twists, tricks and dance sequences for all muscle groups. As a result, the extra kilos go away, the stomach, the press appears, the buttocks, legs are tightened, cellulite goes away. Not every sport and dance can boast such a variety of elements that train your entire body. In pole dance there is a place for everything: strength, plasticity, excellent coordination, balance and balance, grace, stretching, dexterity.
This implies another huge plus: the lack of routine and monotony. I'm insanely bored doing multiple repetitive sets just to carve out the body of my dreams. The sport of pole dancing turned out to be a real salvation. Elements, twists, tricks - a great variety and for every taste. Yes, and pole dance itself is very diverse with an emphasis on: dance and artistry - exotic pole dance, pole art; acrobatics, power tricks and fitness - pole fitness, pole sport.
Endurance, patience, self-confidence develops, self-esteem increases. Before you manage to perform any element beautifully and correctly, you will have to train many times. If you can overcome your fear, sadness, sadness, longing after the first failures, you will receive not only the long-awaited result, but also self-confidence. A nice bonus: many scientists have proven and many people have confirmed that our success in sports has a great effect on our success in work, business and personal life. Repeated workouts develop endurance and prove that we can do a lot, if not the first time, then the twenty-first!
Poledance relieves nervous tension, allows you to relax and escape from everyday worries and problems.
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