If the relationship is broken. repair or throw away?
id: 10048885

There are no ideal relationships. It's just that some people show everything as it should be, while others hide what is happening between them.

So, when such moments come, it is very difficult to understand what to do. Should I give in to my partner or try to prove my point of view? Yes, of course, the ideal solution to such issues is a compromise, but is everyone ready to agree to it? We all have different personalities, and sometimes they are quite complex. But are relationships and love worth it to terminate everything because of a stupid quarrel? Or is it still?

If a relationship breaks down, what do you prefer to do? Are you ready to fix them, put in the effort? Or is it easier for you to drop it all, find a new partner and start from scratch? But what about feelings?

What do you think is more difficult - falling in love or falling out of love?
