It is Love makes the pulse beat in unison, allows you to cross any obstacles, move together, holding hand in hand towards the mysterious future. It inspires, makes immensely happy, and, contrary to all canons, revives from the ashes. Love dominates the world, saves, throws into the abyss, overcomes endless distances, moves mountains, pushes to exploits. Starts and ends wars, stops and turns back time. It is she who dictates to the mind the actions for which we dare to take unusual, unpredictable actions.
For millions of years it has reigned on the planet, and only it keeps us from collapse. This is who the true creator of mankind is. Let it not always be mutual, let it carry jealousy, fear of loss, pain of disappointment, unbearable torments of loneliness, but love always gives unique emotions that fill with life and light everyone who has ever experienced it.
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