Spring is coming!!!
id: 10047398

In any case, in the spring we seem to wake up from a long winter hibernation, again and again for some reason sincerely surprised by the brightness of the colors of the world around us, the sonority of bird trills and the honey sweetness of the aroma of the first flowers. Have you noticed what a surge of strength comes with the advent of heat? It seems as if you can not even move mountains - Sign up for the GYM! Although we, it seems, have already gone too far - such a feat is not for everyone. Yes, and this feeling of spiritual uplift and overflowing energy also passes quite quickly, if you do not occupy yourself with anything. And this is sad, because the spring energy is really special, and if you “catch the wave” of this creative mood, you can really change your life dramatically. everything was missing, to change the image, and, finally, just arrange a general cleaning at home with rearranging furniture and updating the interior! Believe me, the beginning of spring is an incredible time, and it would be a crime to miss it. And spring is a great time for new relationships and great love... More bright love stories for you!
