Everyone is looking forward to the coming of spring. And usually it does not come immediately, gradually, so that we do not notice its approach. At the end of February, incomprehensible weather sets in: it’s not frosty and not warm outside, fogs swirl above the ground, the snow loosens and slips imperceptibly from the hills ...
Many do not like early spring, especially in cities. At the beginning of spring, light rain often falls, dampness penetrates under clothes. The snow is melting and exposing the garbage on the streets. It suddenly becomes difficult to walk down the street: real rivers flow around! I don't even want to go outside.
Then one morning I wake up and realize that something has changed. The snow has completely disappeared, and steam rises above the black earth, the air has become soft. For the first time I pay attention that the sun rises now much earlier and even warms! It also breathes in a new way: fresh and easy. I want to jump up to the ceiling with joy, energetically redo a bunch of things, and then run to have fun, walk, travel, have fun. This is the arrival of spring!
It is best to watch the city for the onset of spring. That is, in nature: in the forest or in the field. The first signs of early spring are better seen here. In the silence, you can immediately hear the birds singing, rejoicing in the warmth and the sun. Buds on trees and bushes are filled with new life, just in the bustle of the city, we almost do not pay attention to it.
The sound of water is heard in the distance. Pieces of ice rush in the turbulent streams of full-flowing spring rivers. The snow barely has time to melt, when, ahead of the fresh green grass, small miracles bloom towards the sun: snowdrops, blueberries, crocuses, violets ...
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