How to win a woman's heart?
id: 10045236

Many men do not know how to approach a woman correctly (I'll tell you a secret, sometimes women do not know how they would like to get attention from a man they like). But I have a few options. Interesting?

Absolutely women, mentally delicate and emotional natures. Yes, even those about whom at first glance you can't say that she can be worried about romantic trifles. But it is. Therefore, romance is very important, the candy-bouquet period should not be missed. Spontaneous surprises, flowers and other pleasantries, what is important throughout the entire time of the relationship. A woman is a flower, romance is water. If you don't water the flower, it will wither. Everything is simple.

Compliments. Yes, women really like ears. Evaluate her natural beauty more often and say it from the heart. A few nice words won't hurt anyone.Do not forget to positively evaluate her good deeds, her character traits and actions. This will make it clear to the girl that not only her appearance is important to you, but also what is inside her.

Jealousy. Yes, girls like it when they are a little jealous. This makes them understand that the man values her. But we are not talking about the jealousy that turns into paranoia. If you find fault with every little thing and control her every step, he will feel that you do not trust her, it can destroy the relationship.

Be brave, don't forget to offer your help. Women like to be weak and defenseless, so they are looking for a strong man. Show her your concern, let her know that you will solve any of her problems.

Love each other and be loved!
