1. From ancient Greek and Sanskrit, "love" is translated as "desire".
2. On average, a person needs 4 minutes to make it clear whether he wants any kind of relationship with the interlocutor.
3. "Love lives for 3 years" is a phrase that is confirmed by scientific facts. We are talking about falling in love, which after 3 years goes out or goes to a new level.
4. The most difficult period for newlyweds is the birth of a child. It is psychologically difficult for a couple to move to the realization that now there are not two, but three of them.
5. Married people generally feel more satisfied with life, even if the marriage is unhappy.
6. Students who have managed to sign up are less worried during the session.
7. Various manifestations of feelings make them stronger.
8. Often people at the beginning of a relationship endow a half with qualities that she does not have. In the future, this leads to a break.
9. Mathematicians have proposed a hypothesis according to which a person falls in love 12 times on average before meeting a dream partner.
10. There are people who, due to brain disorders, have never experienced attachment to anyone.
11. Tactile contacts contribute to the emergence of sympathy.
12. Philophobia – fear of falling in love
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