Mom's blog!
id: 10045374

Hormones are mainly responsible for affecting your taste during pregnancy. When you are pregnant, the levels of estrogen and progesterone in your body rise significantly. Consequently, morning sickness also occurs, a common symptom that is also caused by increased sensitivity to taste.

Depending on which substance, necessary for the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the child, is currently not enough in the mother's body, and taste preferences are formed during pregnancy.

With a lack of phosphorus and vitamin D, necessary for the development of the neural tube of the fetus, the expectant mother wants fish, seaweed and seafood.

The love for chocolate, sweet pastries, honey, ice cream and cakes is explained by the energy needs of the body in glucose👍.

If during pregnancy you want milk, cottage cheese, cheeses or yogurts, then at this stage you need calcium, which is necessary for laying “milk” and permanent teeth, forming bones, ligaments, cartilage and muscle tissue of the fetus, its nails and hair, and also - for the harmonious development of the central nervous system.

When meat dishes begin to predominate in the menu, the body makes up for the lack of easily digestible protein. The same can be said about the passion for nuts☝️.

Oranges and other citrus fruits are a natural pantry of vitamin C, which is necessary for normal tone and permeability of blood vessels😮.

If your favorite fruits now are apples, you want berries, strawberries and strawberries, and from vegetables - carrots, beets and cabbage, then the body needs iron, which is “responsible” for hematopoiesis and oxygen supply to the fetus🤔.

Passion for bananas, peaches, apricots, dried apricots and potatoes indicates a need for potassium. The function of the skeletal and smooth muscles of the fetus, including the contractility of the heart, depends on it.

If the expectant mother prefers beans, peas and other legumes, then the development of the baby requires zinc, which is involved in the construction of the bone skeleton.

If in the first half of the term you want a lot of greens - spinach, celery, salads of all varieties, then this change is explained by the body's need for folic acid😮. This vitamin of group B provides the necessary rate of growth and development of the fetus, controls the formation of the cardiovascular system and nerve fibers of the central nervous system.
