If you grew up in a family that celebrated Easter, you probably remember a dinner table filled with various treats. This is not surprising - Easter marks the end of Lent, which can be celebrated with culinary delights. What kind of food can you enjoy at Easter?
Rainbow of Easter eggs. Dyeing eggs is an old tradition that you probably know about from childhood. According to one version, red eggs symbolized the blood of Jesus Christ. However, nowadays we can find Easter eggs in all colors and patterns, and coloring them is a fun activity that the whole family can get involved in.
Delicious Easter ham. The Easter ham is also one of the traditional Easter dishes; for believers, it can symbolize the flesh of Jesus Christ. To cook smoked ham, they often take water blessed in the church on Holy Saturday. This dish is served in large families for Easter breakfast, on Sunday mornings.
Easter crap. Horseradish is another traditional Easter dish; it can be taken as a symbolic reminder of the nails with which Jesus Christ was crucified. The spicy seasoning goes great with all other Easter treats like ham and hard boiled eggs.
Easter pie. Pie is traditionally prepared for many Christian holidays, and Easter is no exception. This dish on the Easter table may represent the crown of Jesus Christ. Pies differ in shape and taste. For example, our colleagues from Slovenia highly recommend pies with walnuts, as well as potitsa with tarragon.
Since Easter is considered the main Christian holiday, many Christian traditions are associated with it. One of the most important, perhaps, is the Easter consecration of food; this is done on Holy Saturday, on the eve of the solemn Easter breakfast. Putting all your food in a big basket to bring to church is a special thrill that is probably one of your fondest childhood memories.
Coloring Easter eggs. Chances are this custom has held a special place in your heart since you were a child. Even if you are not a Christian, the process of dyeing eggs and creating little masterpieces has a special charm, so you should definitely try it.
There are many different methods for dyeing eggs. You can tint them with one color and then add some cute patterned stickers. You can remember the good old tradition of dyeing eggs with onions. Or discover the artist in you by browsing the web for the best ideas and then creating tiny, egg-shaped pieces of art. The result depends only on you!
Easter egg hunt. There are various games associated with Easter, and if you take the time to prepare them for your children, this will certainly make the holiday unique. Try hiding Easter eggs all over the house (or in the garden) and then send the kids out to look for them. Whoever finds more is the winner! Just remember to count the eggs before and after to avoid smelly surprises later...
Easter egg rolling. Another interesting game, the rules of which may vary, but certainly involve rolling Easter eggs either down a slope or over obstacles. Pick your favorite game and organize it in your backyard so the Easter magic is sure to find its way into your home and your hearts!
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