Real compliments or rap battle?
id: 10049465

I think that every man understands how nice and important it is to receive compliments for every girl. Someone tries to come up with something new (not to be banal), someone writes poetry, someone searches on the Internet, someone reminds a girl every day how much he loves her and that she is the best and most beautiful in this World.

Compliments are different. Men are different. How many men, so many variations of compliments from the side of girls. Now I am writing to you not only about words. Men compliment girls with their actions. I'm talking about attention. Do you understand?

Any compliment, gift, 1 or 101 roses, to buy food, to take out the trash, to buy an expensive necklace or just to pick flowers from a flower bed so that no one notices - this is also always a compliment for a girl. Any gift, any flower is all attention. And any attention is also a compliment. Any compliment means that the girl is remembered, remembered. When a man came home, even with 1 flower, it means that on the way from work he remembered her. This means that he wanted to please her and see a smile on her face for the umpteenth time.

Why RAP BATTLES? This applies to those men who try to compliment, but in such a way that it repels the woman. How? - you ask. Very simple. When a man does very strange things towards a woman. Like a compliment, but it's too intrusive. Obsession and rudeness is manifested. There are times when men "fight" for the same woman, expose themselves as "cocks". They try to be better than each other and completely forget about what is important to a woman. They are no longer fighting for her heart, but for "first place". What is the outcome?

The woman rejects both and finds a man for whom it is important to please the woman without showing selfishness.

Men, it is not necessary for girls to pour diamonds from head to toe. Give compliments often and small. It's much nicer than something big and rare. Remember to do something nice every day, not just on holidays.

Let your compliments come into contact with care. Even food, toys, flowers, perfume. Different little things and expensive gifts are always nice. By the way, starting from roses, ending with appliances, phones, all this is on our beautiful website.

Anything gives pleasure to women. Women in response give even more pleasure to the man. Look for different ways and reasons to give women compliments and gifts.

Remember, love your beloved women. Believe me, the response of a woman will please you even more.
