What does a person need for happiness?
id: 10049785

Someone needs to achieve success. Someone can't imagine happiness without exciting adventures and travel. And for someone, love, family and warm spiritual relationships are the unchanging basis of the concept of "happy life". However, be that as it may, happiness is what every human being strives for, and our natural need for this feeling serves as a motive for almost all actions and deeds performed.

Happiness is creation, the realization of inner potential and the expression of unique creative abilities that each person is endowed with in one sphere or another.

Happiness is an opportunity to help loved ones, sincerely and selflessly, following the impulses of your soul.

But truly happy is the person who is able to see the great and beautiful even in small things. The sun peeking out from behind the clouds, the serene, peaceful sky overhead, the first flower breaking through the icy ground, a pure child's smile, the affectionate look of beloved eyes – this is what allows each of us to feel happy regardless of circumstances and living conditions.

So fragile and so vulnerable, but at the same time, such a welcome happiness. Maybe you shouldn't wait for mercy from above, isn't it better to create your own reality with your own hands? So what does a person need for happiness? Probably, the ability to see it in the smallest manifestations, the ability to collect happiness by grains of sand, because the ocean is woven from a drop!

Are you happy?
