No one is immune from human cruelty, from problems and difficulties. And as long as they do not concern any of us or our loved ones, everything seems natural and fixable. A person does not always think that someone may need help. And at some point, fate throws a test to him. It is very difficult to wallow in problems alone, and no one is in a hurry to throw a lifeline. Moreover, others do not want to hear requests for help. After all, who needs to be helped disinterestedly, spending your precious time and energy on this. Hopeless situation, isn't it? But if a person has helped others, there will always be someone who will lend a hand to him.
Kindness is important not only in crisis situations, but also in everyday life. Everyone can make others happier, give them a little bit of their inner light. Is it so difficult to move an old woman across the road, give way to a transport or feed a homeless animal? These actions are able to give joy to the one who performs them. After all, how much does the smile of the same grandmother, a passenger or the trusting look of an animal mean. They seem to be energizing.
The plots of literary works will also help answer the question posed at the beginning of the essay. The protagonist of M. Bulgakov's cycle of stories "Notes of a Young Doctor" was sent to work in the village. As he goes there, he curses his decision to go to medical school. However, his attitude to his fate is rapidly changing. At first, the young doctor is afraid of all serious medical manipulations, but the desire to help people turns out to be stronger.
The doctor treats everyone who turns to him. Even in the most hopeless cases, he does not turn away from patients. He saves more than one life, and the greatest gratitude for him is the joy of the people he saved and their loved ones. Probably, only she does not allow the doctor to cast off his position. He travels to distant corners, despite snowstorms and rains.
This example shows that kindness can work wonders. And if you have the opportunity to help people, it is very important to do this, especially if the fate of a person depends on help.
It can be concluded that a person must be kind in order to be happy, to live a full life. In addition, do not forget about the boomerang law: everything you do, sooner or later comes back.
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