He will constantly focus his eyes on you, examine the details of your appearance, and if you catch his close attention, he awkwardly looks away, pretending that this is just an accident. If a man likes you, then he will look into your eyes, on your lips. If you notice that he is looking at your forehead, then know that he perceives you only as a friend or colleague. If you suddenly started to encounter him too often by accident, then perhaps it was intended. This is especially true when you are colleagues. When he likes you, he will, as it were, accidentally end up in the same place as you. Know that he turned on his hunting instincts!
He will involuntarily lick his lips, bite them - as if you are the most desired piece of the pie. His gestures will mirror yours. You folded your hands - he will fold them too, tilted your head to the side - he will do the same. He will try to touch you: he will correct something, “accidentally” touch his hand, etc. A man who likes you, but does not show it, will often look to the side, while unconsciously keeping his torso turned towards you. Pay attention to how he behaves while in the company. Most likely, he will stand closest to you from the crowd. When a man likes a girl, he tries to appear taller and bigger by straightening his shoulders.
To win you over, he will try to compliment you. The same works in reverse as well. Tell the man that you like the way he looks, for example, in a white shirt that he wore yesterday. If you notice that the next day he came in it - be sure that he definitely feels sympathy.
He may begin to share with you secrets and stories from childhood that you usually do not tell at a noisy party in a circle of forty people. You may wonder why he tells you not the happiest stories of his biography, however, this is a sure indicator that a person is located and trusts you. Trust is also indicated by the fact that he decided to introduce you to his social circle. Be it family members or friends. You don't introduce a random guy to your best friend or mom, do you? And he's unlikely to do that. Draw conclusions.
Humor brings together and relaxes the situation. The guy will try to joke in your company to want to see your positive response. When a man teases you, teases you in every possible way and sneers, many women react very negatively to this. We advise you to relax and turn on a little self-irony. This is also a sure sign that he cares about you. In your presence, he may begin to behave like a real clown and even be afraid of it himself, but this only says that he is comfortable with you.
He will know what time you usually appear online, carefully study your profile, put likes. On the Internet, we feel bolder, so if a guy does not compliment you live, then his likes on social networks will betray his interest. A man who truly likes you will write to you as often as possible and will not suddenly end the dialogue. After all, it is in his interests that your communication lasts as long as possible. If he wrote to you today, and then disappears for a few days and comes back again - don't be fooled. He either manipulates using an emotional swing, or he doesn’t need you so much and he has someone to spend his precious time on. If you still don’t know what an emotional swing is, then we’ll tell you: this is a psychoclonic technique in which a person consciously shows increased attention to you, you get used to it, and then suddenly disappears or behaves coldly towards you, and so on in a circle . This is not a healthy sign that can make you addicted, which is completely not normal for building a healthy relationship.
He will suddenly start taking care of himself. Perfume, fresh haircut, light styling, ironed clothes. When a married man does this, women, remembering that it once happened to them as well, begin to suspect that someone has appeared at the chosen one. And these fears are often not in vain.
The guy will be generous with his deeds. This applies to help: to open the door ajar, to help carry the bags, in any case he will try to help. Generosity can also manifest itself in a material aspect. You go shopping together and he will try to buy you everything even if you don't ask.
All men are different. Someone will shyly look at you from the side, and someone will go with pressure. However, they all have something in common and behaviors that betray sympathy. Do not force things if you see that a man is disposed towards you. Watch him, his actions and reactions. A man will be more interested in you if you are unavailable at first. Men are hunters, and a girl who likes is a coveted trophy. What a guy invests more in, what he puts more effort into, will be more valuable to him. If on the very first date you put all the cards on the table about yourself and arrive at the first call, your value drops sharply. Respect yourself, your personal time and interests, then you will be interesting to a man.
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